Contact us
The out of office service is available from 5pm to 9am, weekends, public holidays and over Christmas.
If you have a complaint to report to Co-operative Housing Ireland please contact us via email below:

All nominations are sent out an information pack on the Co-operative with a housing needs form and a check list that needs to be completed and sent back. Once we receive all the forms the housing officer will contact the nominees with details of the information and familiarisation training that must be completed before any offer of a tenancy is made. All nominees may then make the informed choice to become Members of the Co-operative and take up a tenancy.
Answer: Co-operative Members must first be on their Local Authority Housing List. The Co-operative seeks nominations for vacancies from the councils in the catchment area the vacancy is in. Link to page ‘Journey to a CHI home’.
Members may call their local office to report any repairs. They can also speak to their housing officer when they are out on their clinics on the estate. The more information Members can give the more information we can pass along to the contractor who will fix the repair.